Tri Andayani

President Director

Born in Jakarta. Indonesian citizen, domiciled in Jakarta. Graduated from Master of Management UGM Yogyakarta. Appointed as President Director based on the results of the General Meeting of Shareholders of PT PELNI (Persero), which was held on February 25, 2022.

Career Journey
- President Director of PT PELNI (Persero) (2022 - present);
- Main Commissioner of PT Sarana Bandar Nasional (2022 until March 2023);
- Marketing Director of PT Phapros Tbk (2021 - 2022);
- Independent Commissioner of PT Sarana Bandar Nasional (2018 - 2022);
- Finance Director of PT PELNI (Persero) (2017 - 2019);
- Director of Operations at PT Len Industri (Persero) (2016-2017);
- Finance Director of PT Len Industri (Persero) (2015 - 2016).

Anik Hidayati

Director Of Finance

Born in Gresik. Indonesian citizen, domiciled in Jakarta. Graduated from Master of Finance, Airlangga University. Appointed as Director of Finance & Risk Management based on the results of the General Meeting of Shareholders of PT PELNI (Persero), which was held on November 21, 2022.

Career Journey
- Director of Finance & Risk Management of PT PELNI (Persero) (2022 - present);
- Senior Executive Vice President, Directorate Of Operation BRI (2022);
- Head of Regional Internal Audit Jakarta BRI (2021 - 2022);
- Chief Marketing Officer Of Brilife Insurance (2018 - 2021);
- Division Head, Mass Funding Division BRI (2016 - 2018);
- Regional Department Head BRI Surabaya (2016);
- Regional Department Head BRI Malang (2014 - 2016);
- Vice President, Procurement Logistics Management Division BRI (2012 - 2014).

Nuraini Dessy W

Director of Passenger Transport Business

Lahir di Solo. Warga Negara Indonesia, berdomisili di Bekasi. Lulusan dari Magister Manajement Transport Laut – Sekolah Tinggi Manajemen Transportasi Laut Trisakti (STMT Trisakti). Ditunjuk sebagai Direktur Usaha Angkutan Penumpang berdasarkan hasil Rapat Umum Pemegang Saham PT PELNI (Persero) yang diselenggarakan pada tanggal 25 Februari 2022.

Perjalanan Karir

Direktur Usaha Angkutan Barang & Tol Laut (2020-2022), Kepala Kesektariatan Perusahaan PT PELNI (Persero) (2019-2021), Vice President Keagenan Tour (2017-2019), Vice President Teknologi Informasi (2015-2017), Direktur PT.Solusi Integrasi Utama (2013-2014).

Kokok Susanto

Director of Tol Laut and Cargo Business

Born in Semarang. Indonesian citizen, domiciled in Jakarta. Graduated from Airlangga University Masters. Appointed as Director of the Sea Freight & Toll Road Business based on the results of the General Meeting of Shareholders of PT PELNI (Persero) held on March 18, 2024.

Career Journey
- Director of PT PELNI (Persero) Tol Laut and Cargo Business (2024 - present);
- Strategy & Commercial Director of PT Pelindo Multi Terminal (2023 - 2024);
- Commercial & Technical Director of PT Solusi Logistik (2022 - 2023);
- Commercial Director of PT Pelindo Solusi Logistik (2021 - 2022).
- Director of Transformation and Business Development PT Pelabuhan Indonesia III (2020-2021);
- President Director of PT Pelindo Energi Logistik (2018-2020);
- President Director of PT Pelindo Properti Indonesia (2017-2018);
- Senior Manager of Technical Supervision at PT Pelabuhan Indonesia III (2016-2017).

Robert MP Sinaga

Direktur of Fleet

Born in Medan. Indonesian citizen, domiciled in Medan. Graduated from Masters University of Lille I, France. Appointed as Director of Fleet and Engineering based on the results of the General Meeting of Shareholders of PT PELNI (Persero) which was held on January 12, 2020.

Career Journey

President Director of PT Prima Multi Terminal (2018-2021); President Director of the Kuala Tanjung Development Organization Project (2017-2018); Commissioner of PT Prima Husada Cipta Medan (2016-2017); Senior Manager of Business Development (2015-2017); General Manager of Belawan Domestic Container Terminal (2014-2015).

Heri Purnomo

Director of Human Capital & General Affair

Born in Kudus. Indonesian citizen, domiciled in Jakarta. The man whose full name is Heri Purnomo received a Bachelor's degree in Economics in 1994 from Sebelas Maret University, Surakarta and completed a Master's degree in Management in 2006 from the Indonesian Institute of Business and Informatics. Appointed as HR & General Director on 9 January 2024.

Career Journey
- Director of HR & General Affairs PT PELNI (Persero) (2024 - present);
- Assistant Deputy for Mineral and Coal Industry (2020 - 2024);
- Deputy for Mining Business, Strategic Industry and Media (2019-2020);

Muhammad Awaluddin


Born in Jakarta. Appointed based on the Decree of the Minister of BUMN Number: SK-9/MBU/01/2024 dated 16 January 2024 to become President Commissioner of PT PELNI (Persero). He earned a Bachelor's degree majoring in Electrical Engineering at Sriwijaya University in 1990, earned a Master's degree majoring in Master of Business Administration at European University Antwerp Belgium in 1998, and earned a Doctoral degree majoring in Doctor of Science in Management at Padjadjaran University (UNPAD) Bandung.

Career Journey

President Director of PT Infomedia Nusantara in 2010-2012, Director of Enterprise & Service Business in 2012-2016, CEO of Enterprise & Service Business in 2016, President Director of PT Angkasa Pura II from 2016 to 2023.

Kristia Budiyarto


Ditunjuk berdasarkan SK Menteri BUMN No. SK-264/MBU/12/2017. Warga Negara Indonesia, lahir di Yogyakarta, 15 Mei 1957, berusia 61 tahun. Domisili di Jakarta. Beliau meraih gelar Sarjana ekonomi, Fakultas Ekonomi, jurusan Akuntansi Universitas Gajah Mada, Yogyakarta, lulus 1983. Master of Business Administration (MBA) in Accounting, Saint Mary’s University Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada, lulus 1993.

Perjalanan Karir

Staf Ahli BPK Bidang Keuangan Pemerintah Pusat tahun 2014, Auditor Utama (Tortama) keuangan Negara III pada tahun 2009-2014, beliau pernah menjabat Auditor Utama (Tortama) keuangan Negara VII (2007-2009), Auditor Utama (Tortama) Keuangan Negara V (2005-2007), Kepala Pusat Pendidikan & Latihan (Pusdiklat) pegawai BPK (2003-2005), Kepala Sub-Auditorat V.A.1 (2000-2003), Kepala Bagian Bina Program,Pusdiklat pegawai BPK (1998-2000), Kepala Bidang Perencanaan Pemeriksaan (1997-1998), Kepala Seksi Pertamina 2 (1993-1997), Pemeriksa BPK (1984-1993).

Faturohman, SE


This Indonesian citizen, born in Tangerang Regency, is an economics graduate from the University of Indonesia, starting his career as a Civil Servant (PNS) in 1997. He currently serves as Acting Head of the Public Relations and Strategic Support Facilitation Bureau at the Ministry of BUMN.

Apart from his role at the Ministry of BUMN, Faturohman also served as a Committee Member at PT Hotel Indonesia Natour (Persero) in 2020, and previously he served as Commissioner / Member of the Board of Directors at PT Angkasa Pura Hotels from 2016 to 2019.

Budi Mantoro


His full name is Budi Mantoro born in Magelang. He is a D-III graduate of the Nautical Department from BPLP Semarang in 1996, D-IV Nautical Major from STIP Jakarta in 2001, and he continued his master's education in Administrative Sciences at Syeh Islam University Yusuf in 2010.

Career Journey

Director of Navigation, Directorate General of Transportation, Ministry of Transportation (2022 to Present), Head of Type A Class I Tg Pinang Navigation District, Directorate General of Transportation, Ministry of Transportation (2021 - 2022), Head of the Academic and Cadet Administration Section, BPSDM (2020 - 2021), Head of Sub-Directorate of Sea Transport Ditlala Domestic Affairs, Directorate General of Transportation, Ministry of Transportation (2018 - 2020), Head of Sub-directorate of Special Sea Transport and Service Businesses related to Ditlala, Directorate General of Transportation, Ministry of Transportation (2018).

Raden Suhartono, S.E., M.Ak


This man with a Masters in Accounting was born in Banyumas. He started his career as a Civil Servant (PNS) in 1988 with SK Number KEP-996/DI.1/UP.2/88, and currently has the position of Deputy Head of BPKP for Supervision of Regional Financial Implementation based on Presidential Decree Number 143/ TPA IN 2021.

Career Journey
Deputy Head of BPKP for Supervision of Regional Financial Administration (2021 - present) - Head of BPKP Representative for Central Java Province (2021) - Head of General Bureau (2020) - Head of BPKP Representative for West Kalimantan Province (2018) - Head of BPKP Representative for Bangka Belitung Islands Province (2016 ) - Head of State Accounting Division (2013) - Head of Regional Government Accountability Division (2010).

Eddy Susanto Soepadmo


The man born in Madiun is an economics graduate who currently serves in the Office of the President of the Republic of Indonesia since 2018. He is also active as an advisor at PT Mobil Anak Bangsa, which has been engaged in e-Bus technology innovation since 2016, and PT Kencana Artha Raya since 2015 in the field of agricultural technology innovation. In 2013-2015, Eddy Susanto was a special advisor to the TNI Commander and a special advisor to Chief of Staff of the Army (2013).

In addition to his role in government, Eddy has also been involved in a number of organizations, including serving as Director of the Indonesian Planet Innovation Program since 2014 and Deputy Secretary General at the Indonesian Farmers Harmony Association since 2015.